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Monday, April 19, 2004

Turkey (text reproduced here; link to changing page): 'The producer and host of a Turkish TV news show was sentenced to nearly two years in jail last week for airing false provocations against Turkish Protestants. On April 5, a panel of judges ruled that Kerim Akbas’ programs on Baskent TV had incited violent attacks last year against local Christian citizens and their places of worship in Ankara. In video clips from Akbas’ “Haber Dosyasi” (News File) shows, he accuses local Protestant groups of creating “ethnic, radical division to disturb the peace,” claiming that Protestants were maintaining secret links with foreign intelligence organizations, and paying Muslim young people to become Christians. Ten days after Akbas’ first “expose,” a local church was attacked. Another local church received bomb threats. “This may be the first such legal ruling here in favor of non-Muslims,” the plaintiffs’ attorney said. Despite Turkey’s secular identity, Muslims who convert to Christianity have been repeatedly slandered with impunity by the Turkish media.' (Compass Direct)


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