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Monday, October 11, 2004

Iran: 'Concern is growing among Iran’s evangelical community for the safety of Hamid Pourmand, a lay pastor in the Assemblies of God Church who was arrested four weeks ago by the Iranian security police. No one has been allowed contact with Pourmand since September 9, when he was arrested along with 85 other evangelical church leaders. However, Pourmand was allowed one very short telephone call to his wife last week and he simply told her that he was all right. Of the other Christians detained with Pourmand, 76 were released by nightfall the day of their arrest. Ten pastors were kept for interrogations for three more days, then all but Pourmand were released conditionally. Over the past year, prominent government leaders have publicly denounced Christianity, Sufism and Zoroastrianism as threats to Iran’s national security. According to one Iranian Christian, “We are hearing estimates that 60 percent of the Iranian people have now heard the message of Christ.”' (Compass Direct)


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