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Monday, December 06, 2004

Nepal: 'Nepal is a Hindu state, with 86% of its some 26.5 million people practising Hinduism. Since 1990 it has been a democracy within a constitutional monarchy. The Church in Nepal has grown steadily over its 50 years. There is a degree of religious freedom, but proselytising is still illegal. Maoist rebels, a serious problem, mainly target Nepal's political regime, but increasingly Christian churches and groups are embroiled in the conflict. Some rebels have said 'all Christians are spies'. Maoists attack Christian centres in search of boys to conscript into their army. Travel for ministry is hazardous due to rebel activity. A national missionary team was captured in a remote mountain village, but later released. Some Christian workers have reportedly had written orders to leave the areas where they minister. Please pray for peace in Nepal, the outreach of the Church, and protection of Christian workers.' (Religious Liberty Commission)


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