India: 'Around 200 Hindu extremists attacked a church in Moti Chowk village, Chattisgarh, India, on June 6, while services were underway. Police then arrested nine church members and charged them with “disturbing the peace” under Section 151 of the Indian Penal Code. The nine Christians were kept in prison for two days before being released on bail. Meanwhile, the Hindu extremists called for a social boycott against the Christian community in the village, preventing them from using the community well or buying food supplies in local markets. Three days earlier, 13 Christians in Hathod village, Durg district, Chattisgarh, were summoned to a village meeting and asked to renounce their faith. Seven Christians who refused were locked up in the district jail. Police made it difficult for the Christians to be released on bail, saying that the bail amount must be raised within the village. However, fellow villagers who sympathized with the Christians were afraid to post bail because of the social influence of the village headman and Hindu extremists.' (Compass Direct)
Sunday, June 12, 2005
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